Linux RealAudio streaming

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  • Colin Burn-Murdoch

    Linux RealAudio streaming

    > The Linux RealAudio is working a treat with sox now and I'm very happy.
    > Has anyone done anything similar for mms:// streams? I had a quick play
    > and just about got it working using mplayer, a named pipe and lame. I
    > started a lame thread reading the named pipe then set mplayer getting
    > the mms stream. Somewhere I think I got lame reading before the named
    > pipe was created which meant it didn't get any input. Then I ran out of
    > time. But it's certainly a workable solution. Is this the best way to go
    > about doing it or is there another solution?

    I've updated the rm2mp3proxy script a bit.... it's a little better written now and it won't accept links with ";"s for security.

    Changed the usage, is now:


    Where GAIN is 1 for no processing and about 5 for the BBC streams... BITRATE is the resultant MP3 stream bitrate, eg 128.

    I had a look at mms:// briefly... but despite it saying it was using an 8K cache, the cache filled mega slowly, and extrapolating, it looked like it was trying to get more like 8MB... i didn't leav eit to fill though.